Today learn a second
language in Chile is like learning to play the piano, because children spend
years in school trying to learn English but in spite of that still have a very
basic level after school.
Public education in
Chile is becoming more difficult to teach English because many times the teacher
doesn´t have
the tools to make a class more dynamic, such as the use of a radio, a data show,
etc.. Especially in a classroom where they usually have 40 children trying to
learn. With so many children in the classroom is a bit more complicated for the
teacher to try to capture their attention and keep them in order and quiet so
they can learn.
Private education is
not the same becuse after school children have a very good level of English,
are fewer children in the classroom and have the means and resources for
learning, facilitating the task of the teacher.
we have the possibility now to change this situation with time and dedication anything it's possible.